Is it the end of August already? This month we've added a bunch of great content to our library. The ‘Types of Registered Accounts’ video outlines a few ways your clients can use registered accounts to achieve their investment goals. By popular demand, we’ve created an infographic about ‘ESG Investing’ to help advisors appeal to the millennial demographic. Lastly, our ‘Ways to Protect Your Kids Financially’ infographic can help your clients who are raising a family identify wealth planning opportunities.
HeyAdvisor is a digital content library that financial advisors leverage to connect with their clients. The highly engaging educational library of videos and infographics is white-labelled with advisor branding and can be integrated into email marketing campaigns, websites, client portals and social media. The intuitive library is grouped by life events making it easy to add value to the client relationship at times in their lives that matter most. Review our plans here.